Archive for the 'Idle Chatter' Category

SXSW site has enough mp3s to choke an e-goat

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2006


Upon perusing the frenetically updated GorillaVsBear, I was exposed to the realization that here on the SXSW site there are now hundreds and hundreds of mp3s. If you dared to dive into them I would be willing to bet that you would find some very interesting bands. I got about 260 yesterday and I only scratched the surface. If you are exceptionally brave and well-connected and you decide to check them out, feel free to comment and let me know which ones are exceptionally great.

In other news, I am working on an extra-large multi-part foreign-language international hip hop post, part one of which will be up by the weekend. So if that sounds interesting to you stay tuned, and feel free to give obscure recommendations.

Bluebird Liquor and Black Crow Wine

Monday, February 20th, 2006

  Saidthegramophone, stg, bluebird liquor, black crow wine, Joom II

A little while ago the always brilliant Saidthegramophone had a contest to win the new Cat Power Album. It was a lovely idea: Write a rhyming couplet for a fictional song entitled: “Bluebird Liquor and Black Crow Wine”. There were a great many excellent submissions, (somehow I made it to 4th place and won a poster), and now some of them are being used as lyrics in a no-longer-fictional song that already has 2 remixes!

Anyone in Shibuya??

Saturday, February 4th, 2006

This is a quick little cry for help.

If anyone who is reading this is going to be in Shibuya “today” Sunday February 5th, and is planning to go to the Eksperimentoj show at Yaneura, would you mind buying their cd for me, which is only sold at their shows apparently?!? I will not only appreciate it very much, I WILL PAY YOU BACK! Via paypal or whatever right away. Please let me know!

So you want to learn Japanese? Part 1: Kanji

Thursday, February 2nd, 2006

  learn kanji; learn japanese; remembering the kanji; james heisig

I was inspired to write this article by a post on Watashi to Tokyo. I don’t know how many people that come to have a real interest in learning Japanese, but if you want to know the little secrets I have discovered in my studies over several years, then by all means, come on down.