Author Archive

downy – Anarchy Dance (Video)

Thursday, May 11th, 2006

[Buy the CD or DVD][Website]

How are you? I’m a little tired, thanks for asking. downy = love. I entreat you to enjoy this video. I’ll let it speak for itself, but I’m trusting you to listen delicately.

Spam Sucks

Sunday, April 30th, 2006


Sorry to people who have subscribed to comments, there was a big spamwave there. Should be mostly taken care of now, I made a big list of banned words…

At Dusk – In the Background

Friday, April 28th, 2006

at dusk, in the background, you can know danger

Artist: At Dusk
Song: In the Background
From album: You Can Know Danger
Genre: Wandery Tumblechordia
[Buy this album][Site]

Good day mateys, and welcome back I say. Today you are getting a deftly stumbling gait of a song. It starts on a morning of typically spanking newness, but soon you’ll realize that it has plans to use its day off for supremely venturous exploits; certain endeavorous enterprises. The sounds, they gallop from cobbleystoned neighborhood streets to wide nature roads with airy space that you can hear and feel. They round a corner and suddenly dive into a somersault at the end of which they jump up, and into the air in a, “reaching for the sky” position with a twist that gets a cumulative 9.5 from the judges.

What I want to say is that the song feels like a rapturously restless amble through everyday spaces and feelings. The kind of feelings that are only possible in the amalgam of remembering certain days of intense living. Maybe then you were wrapped up in heartbreaky drama, but looking back you just remember it as a sort of sepia tone mixed with the feeling of the sun against your skin. It’s an odyssey that feels like it should end with you, exhausted and glowing, sauntering into a convenience mart for a catharctic frozen beverage of your own design.

You can download this song and its 9 brothers and sisters and more than several cousins on their site. And soon you can also buy it, on everyone’s favorite anthropomorphized music buying place, cd baby. Perfect for anthropomorphized songs I would imagine.

Condor 44 – db

Tuesday, April 11th, 2006

[Buy the Album][Website]

Here’s another video, which is staged in abandoned buildings. Lovely. I knew these things went together somehow… These guys/girl strike me as aggressively introspective. They seem to be thinking a lot, in a mindset free of distraction they are playing their thoughts in real-time, decanting a stream of curious detatched fervor.

Quruli – Birthday

Thursday, April 6th, 2006

I’m only using a very small percentage of my bandwidth currently so I’m thinking about posting streaming videos every now and again, but I’m curious how it would work out. Here’s a test, does it work for you? Does it screw up or bog down your computer? Do you hate music videos? Presumably you need the Flash 7 player to view it, but I’m not sure how many people have it so your input would be greatly appreciated.

This is really not my favorite song of theirs but I like it because the guy in the video illustrates quite exactly how energetic I don’t feel right now….

Polyphasic Sleep: Yellow Brick Road to Productivity? Mental Breakdown?

Monday, April 3rd, 2006


So… upon consideration I have arrived at the conclusion that I don’t have enough time to do what I want/need to be doing. I guess the obvious thing to do would be to streamline my schedule by pruning off a few less-essential activities. However, I’ve somewhat foolishly decided to add on more responsibilities, and prune sleep in order to accomplish all these things, down to less than 2 hours per day. The real question is how long I can sustain it without going literally insane, wherever that might be.

So I’ll be testing out a system of Polyphasic Sleep. This is a system of taking strictly scheduled naps throughout the day, in my case for 20 minutes every 4 hours. Basically the idea is that over time, (around 2 weeks), your body will adjust to the new schedule, given that it is rigidly adhered to, and will start skipping the first few stages of sleep and go straight into REM sleep, which is apparently the only one you really can’t do without.

My sources tell me that on the normal 8ish hour sleep schedule, one only gets about 1.5 hours of REM spread throughout, whereas with this polyphasic schedule I should eventually be getting close to 2 hours of REM per day. Supposedly this means that I will feel healthy and alert after my body adapts to the major slap in the face. So I’m looking forward to 2 weeks of dangerously spaced out delirium, during which I should begin posting here regularly again. :D?


John Jacob Niles – Dean of American Balladeers

Friday, March 10th, 2006

Artist: John Jacob Niles
Songs: The Gambling Song of the Big Sandy River | Little Black Star | Brother’s Revenge | The Maid Freed From Gallows
CDs: Tradition Years: I Wonder as I Wander [Buy][itunes]
My Precarious Life In The Public Domain [Buy]
Genre: Appalachian bardic folklore

The music of John Jacob Niles fills my mind with pictures and questions. His voice is from another world, singing somewhere between hymn and howl, it breathes real life into his subjects. His song comes from misty peaks and musty cabins. With dirt ingrained in its deftly roving fingers it weaves stories of lords and ladies, of gallows, gambling and lonesome riverside roads, wanderlust, tragedy, and revenge; of tales that were told when old wives were young.

Many of his songs are rooted in Appalachian folklore; forged in the mountains I grew up not terribly far from. He died in the year I was born, having seen many of the same things that I would soon come to know, yet somehow it’s hard to fathom our worlds even being connected.

Living in a place for a long time will almost invariably blunt your appreciation of its special beauty and personality. Listening to those scenes through the songs of John Jacob Niles is like seeing them for the first time. They can be mysterious and enchanting, and they still have secrets to share.

Unfortunately most of his work is not widely available, (just those two cd’s above) so you’ll have to look for online auctions or local record stores, but it’s totally worth it in my opinion.

Lotus House

Monday, March 6th, 2006

lotus house, kengo kuma

Here is some interesting architecture from Kengo Kuma & Associates. It’s a combination of natural elements with geometric repetition and optical illusion. I think if you were there, the shadows and reflections would sort of make it look like two different worlds were connecting. I bet it makes interesting sounds in a strong breeze too.

Still working on part 2 of that hiphop thing. Extra busy with job stuff currently, but that should be slowing down soonish. I’ll have some submissions and new bands coming up after the break as well…
