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Gellers – 9 teeth picabia
Thursday, July 13th, 2006Song: 9 teeth picabia
From album: Demo 2006
Genre: Experimodal Feelgood Noise
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Myspace hath opened its scaly arms and yielded unto me this surprise discovery. I don’t think I have ever heard a song be more carefree and agonizing at the same time. That barely even makes sense… It’s like skipping along the beach while breathing fire, head swinging to and fro. And maybe baby meteors are landing out in the waves on certain beats, causing bursts of water and steam that act as punctuation to a vividly tumultuous mood.
They have another song on their website, it’s pretty much a polar opposite of this one, smooth and relaxing, but as far as I know there’s nothing available on cd yet. It will be interesting to see where these guys go in the future.
Syrup16g – I Hate Music
Tuesday, July 11th, 2006Song: I Hate Music
From album: delayedead
Genre: Jetrock
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Even before seeing the CD cover I associated this song with flying a jet plane. Maybe it’s because I’ve been playing Space Cowboy during downtime at work recently, but I can really hear this song blaring from the cockpit of an aircraft driven at breakneck speeds by an enraptured 13 year old with reckless abandon. His head doesn’t even reach above the console so all he can do is look straight up at clouds blasting by, and open it up.
Aside from that, I love the title of the song. I think most people would say that the opposite of love is hate, but if anything I think it’s indifference. Hate is often just passion misplaced, misunderstood, or injured. You have to really care about something to love or hate it; it has to matter. Sometimes we mistake one for the other, and sometimes we vacillate between them. Life is a love/hate relationship; maybe the important thing is just to feel.
OMR – Stood the Test of Time
Thursday, July 6th, 2006Song: Stood the Test of Time
From album: Superheroes Crash
Genre: Quiet Altsynth
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I imagine this song as a dark-haired girl, sort of shy and unassuming. She’s at a point in her life where she’s going to clubs to be alone. She’ll linger in a dim corner and try with all her might to absorb some kind of meaning from the tide of feelings and perceptions that make up her reality. If you catch a glimpse of her, she’ll be looking straight through you. Some faces bid, “come hither” but hers says, “do you see?“
Skateboard King – M.R.T.
Friday, June 16th, 2006Watermelonses
Saturday, May 27th, 2006It has been an exceptionally mild season so far in the Washington DC area; normally we jump from bitter winter to suffocating summer with only a week or two of spring between. This year however, it only snowed once or twice and the spring has been glorious and long.
That’s apparently about to end though, and golden summer swoop in on glistening wings of humidity, so it’s probably an appropriate time to showcase some people’s favorite viney, edible and nutritious summer friend.
There’s something for everyone in the Citrullus lanatus, whether you like them gargantuan, pyramidal, or cubist.
You should probably watch this introduction to watermelon eating if you are a beginner, and even the skilled melon masticator may learn a trick or two.
Kammerflimmer Kollektief – Lichterloh
Thursday, May 25th, 2006Song: Lichterloh
From album: Absencen
Genre: Organic Instrumentartifice
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The song starts like the dawn, stirring as stars wink out, and you realize you are at sea. You hear the ropes of your tempest-tossed transport, creak-like in relaxed and satisfying ways. Your thoughts are arrested by an exquisite breeze and your gaze begins to focus on a distant verdant slope, luscious to the eyes as a sparkling fruit and circled in mist.
Oddly fearless though memory lost, you incline and bubble up all awkward manner of excitement like a newly sprung sandy spring. You drift closer, detecting hints of waterfall and cliff. The weights of time and age crumble from your shoulders as you fall deeply in love with breathing.
You are a once sinking-ship captain, reborn.
(not)The end of the world.
Thursday, May 11th, 2006In other words: Let’s be e-pals!.